Chinese Class


Chinese Class

Chinese HSK courses are accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is an international standardized Chinese Proficiency established to all non-native Chinese speakers.  

Holding HSK 4, students will be able to apply for a scholarship to study in higher education, mainland China.

HSK is a certificate that is valid without any limitation in China. Outstanding students will be awarded as a scholarship for Master or PhD to China.

Registration Requirements

Both CamEd students and outsiders are required to register in Chinese Class at and they will be invited to enroll for class.

Placement Test: All students must take a placement test before they start the class

Registration Requirement

Apply online at Apply Now

There are no entrance requirements. However, this course is not for beginners. Students are expected to have an intermediate level of knowledge of accounting.

Apply Application For New Student

Program: Chinese Class  |  Deadline: January 1, 2024  Apply Now

Method Of Study

Full term courses commence in January – May and July – November. The class will be in the morning and evening. Additionally, the following are links to the syllabus (Chinese & English version.

Class and Syllabus Topic


Class HSK1 Syllabus Topic


你 好 : Hello

 你, 好,您, 你们, 对不起, 没关系


谢 谢 你: Thank you

谢谢, 不, 不客气, 再见


你叫什么名字:What’s your name

  1.  疑问代词 “ 什么” : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 什么”
  2. “ 是” 字句: The “ 是” Sentence
  3. 用“ 吗” 的疑问句: Interrogative Sentences with “ 吗”


她是我的汉语老师: She is my Chinese teacher

  1. 疑问代词 “ 谁”, “哪“ : The Interrogative Pronoun  “ 谁” and  “哪“
  2. 结构助词 “ 的” : The Structural Particle  “ 的”
  3. 疑问助词 “ 呢” (1):The Interrogative Particle “ 呢” (1)


她女儿今年二十岁 :Her daugther is 20 years old this year

疑问代词 “几“ : The Interrogative Pronoun  “几“

  1. 白以内的数字 : Number below 100
  2. ” 了“ 表变化: ” 了“ Indicating a Change
  3. “多 + 大” 表示疑问 : The Interrogative Phrase “多 十大 “


我会说汉语: I can speak Chinese

  1. 能原动词 “ 会” ( 1): The Modal Verb” 会 ” (1)
  2. 形容词谓语句 : Sentences with an Adjectival Predicate
  3. 疑问代词“怎么” (1) : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 怎 么”


今天几号: What’s the date today

日期的表达(1):月、日/号、 星期: Expression of a Date (1): month, date, day of the week

  1. 名词谓语句: Sentences with a Nominal Predicate
  2. 连 动 句 ( 1 ) : 去 + 地 方 + 做 什么  Sentences with a Serial Verb Construction (1): 去 + place + to do sth.


我想喝茶: I’d like some tea

  1. 能愿动词“ 想” : The Modal Verb “ 想”
  2. 疑问代词 “ 多少” : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 多少”
  3. 量词“ 个” , “ 口” : The Measure Words “ 个” and  “ 口”
  4. 钱数的表达 : Expression of the Amount of Money


你儿子在哪里工作: Where does your son work

  1. 动词“ 在” :The verb “ 在”
  2. 疑问代词“ 那儿” : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 那儿”
  3. 介词 ” 在“ : The Preposition ” 在“
  4. 疑问助词 ” 呢“ (2):The Interrogative Particle ” 呢“ (2)


我能坐这儿吗:Can I sit here

  1. ” 有“ 字句: 来是存在 : The ” 有“ Sentence: indicating existence
  2. 连词 ” 和“ : The Conjunction ” 和“
  3. 能源动词 ” 能“ :The Modal Verb  ” 能“
  4. 用 “ 请” 的祈使句: Imperative Sentences with “ 请”


现在几点: What’s the time now

  1. 时间的表达: Expression of Time
  2. 时间词作状语:Time Word Used as an Adverbial
  3. 名词 “前” : The Noun  “前”


明天天气怎么样: What will the weather be like tomorrow

  1. 疑问代词 “ 怎么样” : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 怎么样” 
  2. 主谓谓语句: Sentences with a Subject-Predicate Phrase as the Predicate
  3. 程度副词“太” :  The Adverb“太”
  4. 能愿动词“会” : The Modal Verb“会”


他在学做中国菜呢 : He is learning to cook Chinese food

  1. 叹词“喂” :  The Interjection“喂”
  2. “在……(呢)”表示动作正在进行: “在……(呢)(ne)”Used to Indicate an Action in Progress
  3. 电 话 号 码 的表达 : Expression of Telephone Numbers
  4. 语气助词“吧” : The Modal Particle“吧”


她买了不少衣服 : She has bought quite a few clothes

  1. “了”表发生或完成 “了” : Indicating Occurrence or Completion
  2. 名词 “后” :  The Noun “后”
  3. 语气助词“啊” : The Modal Particle“啊”
  4. 副词 “都” : The Adverb “都”


我是坐飞机来的 : I came here by air

  1. “是……的”句 : 强调时间、地点、 方式 The Structure“是……的” used to emphasize time, place or manner
  2. 日期的表达 (2) : 年、月、日/ 号、星期 Expression of a Date (2): year, month, date, day of the week
Class HSK2 Syllabus Topic


九月去北京旅游最好: September is the best time to visit Beijing

  1. 助 动词 “ 要” : The Auxiliary Verb “ 要”
  2. 程度副词 “最” : The Adverb of Degree  “最”
  3. 概 数 的 表 达 : 几 ,  多 :  “ 几 “,  “多” expressions of approximate numbers


我每天六点起床 : I get up at six every day

  1. 用“是不是” 的问句 : Questions Using“ 是不是” .
  2. 代词 “ 每 ” : The Pronoun  “ 每 ”
  3. 疑问代词 “ 多 ” : The Interrogative Pronoun “ 多 


左边那个红色的是我的 : The red one on the left is mine

“ 的” 宇 短语 : The “ 的”  Phrase

  1. 一下 : The Numeral Classifier “一下”
  2. 语气副词 “ 真” : The Modal Adverb “ 真”


这个工作是他帮我介绍的 : He recommended me for this job

  1. “是⋯…的” 句:强调施事 : The Structure “是⋯…的” used to emphasize the agent of an action
  2. 表示时间:…….. 的时候 :  “ …的 时 候” Indicating Time
  3. 3. 时间副词 “已经 “ : The Adverb of Time  “已经 “


就买这件吧 : Take this one

  1. 副词  “ 就” : The Adverb “ 就”
  2. 语气副词 “还” (1) : The Modal Adverb “还” (1)
  3. 程度副词“ 有点儿” : The Adverbial Modifier “ 有点儿”


你怎么不吃了 : Why don’t you eat more

  1. 疑问代词 “怎么” : The Interrogative Pronoun “怎么”
  2. 量词的重登 : Reduplication of Measure Word
  3. 关联词 “因为……..,所以………” The Pair of Conjunctions “因为……..,所以………”


你家离公司远吗 : Do you live far from your company

  1. 语气副词 “还” (2) : The Modal Adverb “还”  (2)
  2. 时间副词 “就” : The Adverb of Time “就”
  3. 离 The Verb“ 离”
  4. 语 气助词 “呢” : The Modal Particle “呢”


让我想想再告诉你 : Let me think about it and I’ll tell you later

  1. 疑问句 “…⋯,好吗” : The Interrogative Sentence “…⋯,好吗”
  2. 副词 “ 再” : The Adverb“ 再”
  3. 兼语句 : Pivotal Sentences
  4. 动词的重叠 : Reduplication of Verbs


题太多,我没做完 : There were too many question; I didn’t finish all of them

  1. 1结果补语 希望 :  Complements of Result
  2. 介词 “从” : The Preposition “从”
  3. “ 第~ ” 表 示顺 序 : “ 第~ ”Indicating OrdeR


别找了,手机在桌子上呢 : Stop looking for your cell phone; it’s on the desk 

  1. 祈使句: 不要……..了; 别……了 : The Imperative Sentence 不要……..了; 别……了”
  2. 介词 “对” : The Preposition “对”


他比我大三岁 : He is three years older than me

  1.  动词结构做定语 : A Verb (Phrase) Used as an Attributive Modifier
  2. “比” 宇句(1) : The “比”  Sentence(1)
  3. 助 动 词 “ 可 能 ” : The Auxiliary Verb“ 可能”


你穿得太少了 : You wear too little

程度朴语 : Complements of Degree

  1. “比” 字句 (2) : The “比”Sentence (2)


⻔ 开 着 呢 : The door is open

  1. 结构助词 “ 着” : The Structural Particle “ 着”
  2. 反 问 句 “ 不 是 …… 吗” : The Rhetorical Question “不是….. 吗”
  3. 介词 “往 “: The Preposition  “往“


你看过那个电影吗 : Have you seen that movie

  1. 结构 助 词 “ 过” : The Structural Particle “ 过”  
  2. 关联词 “ 虽然……,但是 . . . . . . ” :  The Pair of Conjunctions  “ 虽然……,但是 . . . . . . ”
  3. 动量补语 “次” : The Complement of Frequency “次”


新年就要到了 :The New Year is coming

  1. 动 作 的 状 态 : “ 要 ….. 了” : “ 要 ….. 了” Indicating the State of an Action
  2. “都…….了” : The Structure “都…….了”
Class HSK3 Syllabus Topic


周 末你有什么打算 : What’s your plan for the weekend

  1. 結 米朴語 “ 好” : The Complement of result “ 好”
  2. “一……也都+不/没……. ” 表示 否定 : The Negative Structure “一……也都+不/没……. ”
  1. 连词 “那” : The Conjunction “那”


他 什么时候回来 : When will he come back

  1. 苘单趋向补语 : Simple Complements of Direction
  2. 两个动作连续发生: The Successive Occurrence of Two Actions
  3. 反问的表达:能………吗? : The Rhetoric Question “能………吗?”


桌 子上放着很多饮料 : There are plenty of drink on the table

  1. “ 还 是” 和 “ 或者” : Comparison of “ 还 是”  and  “ 或者”
  2. 存在的表达: Location Word+ V 着 + Numeral + Measure Word + N
  3. “会” 表示可能 : “会” Indicating the Possibility


她 总是笑着跟客人说话 : She always smiles when talking to customers

  1. 又……….又………. : The Structure “又……….又………. “
  2. 动作的件随: V1 着 (O1) +V2 (O2) : The Accompanying Action: V1 着 (O1) +V2 (O2)


我 最近越来越胖了 : I am getting fatter and fatter lately

“了” 表示変化 : “了” Indicating a Change

  1. 越来越 + Adj / Mental V : The Structure “越来越 + Adj / Mental V”


怎 么突然找不到了 : Why are they suddenly missing  

  1. 可能补语: V 得/ 不+ Complements of Possibility : Complement of Possibility Introduced By ” V 得/ 不”
  2. “呢” 询问 处所 : “ N + 呢 “ : “ N + 呢 “ Used to Ask about Location
  3. “ 刚” 和 “刚 才” : Comparison Of “ 刚” 和 “刚 才”


我 跟她都认识五年了 : I’ve known her for five years

  1. 时段的表达 : The Express a Period of Time
  2. 表达兴趣 : To Express an Interest
  3. 用“ 半” “ 刻” “ 差” 表示时 问 : To Indicate Time Using “ 半” “ 刻” or “ 差”


你去哪儿我就去哪儿 : I’ll go wherever you go

  1. 又” 和“ 再” : Comparison of “ ” and “ 再”
  2. 疑问代词活用1: Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronoun 1


她 的汉语说得跟中国 人 一 样 好 : She speaks Chinese like a native

越 A 越 B : The Structure “越 A 越 B”

  1. 比 较 句 1 : A 跟 B 一 样 ( + Adj ) : Comparative Sentences 1: A 跟 B 一 样 ( + Adj )


数 学比历史难多了 : Maths is much harder than history

  1. 比 较 句 2 : A 比 B + Adj + 一 点 儿/一 些/ 得 多/ 多 了 : Comparative Sentences 2: : A 比 B + Adj + 一 点 儿/一 些/ 得 多/ 多 了
  2. 概 数的 表达 1: Expression of Approximate Number 1


别 忘了把空调关了  : Don’t forget to turn off the air conditioner

  1. “把” 宇句1: A把B+V+….. : The Ba-Sentence 1:  A把B+V+…..
  2. 概数的表达2: 左右 : Expression of Approximate Numbers 2: 左右


把 重要的东⻄放在我 这 儿吧 : Leave the important items with me

  1. “才” 和“就” : Comparison of “才”  and “就”
  2. “把”  宇句2: A把B+V十在/到/ 给….. : The Ba-Sentence 1: A把B+V十在/到/ 给…..


我 是走回来的: I walked back

  1. 复合趋向补语 : Compound Complements of Direction
  2. 一边….一边…. : The Structure “一边….一边…. “


你 把水果拿过来: Please bring the fruit

“ 把 ” 宇 句 3: A 把 B + V + 结果补语/趋向补语 : The Ba-Sentence 3: A 把 B + V + Complement of result Direction

  1. 先⋯⋯,再/ 叉⋯ ,然后⋯ : The Structure “先⋯⋯,再/ 叉⋯ ,然后⋯”


其 他都没什 么问题 : The rest of them are all OK

  1. 除了⋯ 以外,都/还/也⋯ : The Structure “除了⋯ 以外,都/还/也⋯”
  2. 疑问代词活用2 : Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 2
  3. 程 度的 表 达: 极了: “极了” Used to Indicate Degree


我 现在累得下了班就 想 睡党: I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work

  1. 如果….(的话),(S) 就…… : The Structure”如果….(的话),(S) 就……”
  2. 复杂的状态补语: Complex Complements of State
  3. 单音节形容词重叠 : Reduplication of Monosyllabic Adjectives


谁 都有办法看好你的 “病” : Everybody is able to cure your “disease” 

1. 双音节动词重叠 : Reduplication of Disyllabic Verbs

2. 疑问代 词活 用3 : Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronoun 3


我相信他们会同意的 : I believe they’ll agree

只要………….就…: The Structure “只要………….就…

  1. 介词 “关 于” : The preposition “关 于”


你 没看出来吗: Didn’t you recognise

  1. 趋向补语的引申义 : Extension of the Complements of Direction
  2. “使”        “叫”        “让” : Comparison of “使”        “叫” and “让”


我 被 他 影 响 了: I’ve been influenced by him

  1. “ 被” 宇句 : The Bei-Sentence
  2. 只有 ・ ・ ・オ・ ・ ・: The Structure “只有 ・ ・ ・オ・ ・ ・”
Class HSK4 Part 1 Syllabus Topic


简单的爱情 : Simple Love

1. 不仅………也还/而且…….; 2. 从来; 3. 剛; 4 .即使……他…….

5 . ( 在 ) …….上……


真正的朋友 : A true friend

1 正好; 2. 差不多; 3. 尽管; 4. 却; 5. 而


经理对我印象不错 : I’ve made a good impression on the manager

1. 挺 ; 2. 本来; 3.另外….其次; 4.音先…..其次 …..; 5.不管


不 要太着急赚钱 : Don’t be anxious to make money

1 .以为; 2. 原来; 3. 并; 4.按照; 5.甚至


只 买对 的 , 不 买 贵 的 : Buy the right, not the expensive

1. 肯定; 2. 再说; 3. 实际; 4.对…….来说; 5. 尤其


一分 钱 一 分 货 : The higher the price, the better the quality

1. 克然: 2. 倍; 3. 值得; 4.其中; 5.(在)… 下


最好的医生是自己 : The best doctor is yourself

1.倍汁 ; 2.来不及 ;3. 离合词重叠; 4. 要是; 5.既……又/也/还……


生活中不缺少美: Beauty is not rare in life

1.使; 2.只要;3.可不是;4. 因此; 5. 往往


阳光总在⻛雨后 : The sun will shine again after the storm

1. 难道; 2 .通过; 4.结果; 3. 可是 ;5. 上


幸福的标准 : Standards of happiness

1.不过: 2.确实; 3.在………看来 4. 由于; 5 .比如

Class HSK4 Part 2 Syllabus Topic


读书好,读好书,好读书 : It’s good to read; read good books and like reading

1. 连; 2. 否则; 3. 无论;4. 然而; 5. 同时


用心发现世界 : Discover the world with your heart

1. 并且; 2 .再⋯⋯也⋯ ; 3. 对于; 4.名量词重叠;

5. 相反


喝着茶看京剧 : Drink tea while watching Beijing opera

1. 大概; 2. 偈尔; 3. 由; 4. 进行; 5. 随着


保护地球 母亲 : Protect our Mother Earth

1 够; 2. 以; 3. 既然; 4. 手是; 5 .什么的


教育孩子的艺术: The art of educating children

1.想起来;2. 弄;3. 千万; 4. 来; 5 . 左 右


生活 可以更美好 : Life can be better

1.可; 2.恐怕; 3.到底; 4. 拿……..来说; 5. 敢


人与自然 : Humans and nature

1.倒; 2. 千; 3.趟; 4 . 为了……….而 ……., 5 . 仍 然


科技与世界 : Science, technology and the word

1. 是否; 2. 受不了; 3 .接着;4.除此以外;5. 把……叫作….


生活的味道 : Taste of life

1.疑问代词活用表示任指; 2. 上; 3.出来;  4.总的来说; 5.在于


路上的⻛景 : The view along the way

1.V+着+V+着; 2.→・・・就…;3. 究竟; 4. 起来; 5. V+起

Class HSK5 Part 1 Syllabus Topic


第一单元   了解生活 : Unit 1 Understanding Life

  • 爱的细节 : Details of love
  • 留串钥匙给父母: Leaving a bunch of keys to our parents
  • 人生有选择,一切可改变: Having choices in life makes change possible


第 二 单元    谈 古说 今: Unit 2 Talking about the Past and the Present

  • 子路背米: Zilu carrying rice
  • 济南的泉水: Spring water Ji’nam
  • 除夕的由来: Origin of Chuxi


第三单元    倾听故事: Unit 3 Listening to Stories and Anecdotes

  • 成 语故事 两则 : Two idiom stories
  • “朝三暮四” 的古今义: Three at dawn and four at dusk
  • 别样 鲁迅: The Lu Xun you don’t know


第四单元    走近科学: Unit 4 Approaching Science

  • 争论的奇迹: Miracle of dabate
  • 闹钟的危害: Harm of alarm clocks
  • 海外用户玩儿微信: Overseas user of WeChat


第五单元      放眼世界: Unit 5 Seeing the World

  • 锯掉生活的 “筐底” : Cutting off the “Bottom of the basket” in life
  • 北京的四合院: Quadrangle courtyards in Beijing
  • 纸 上谈 兵: Being an armchair strategist  


第六单 元      修养 身心: Unit 6 Cultivating Physical and Mental Health

  • 体重与节⻝: Weight and Diet
  • 在最 美好的 时 刻离 开: Ending at the best moment
  • 抽象艺术美不美: Abstract art: Beautiful or not?
Class HSK5 Part 2 Syllabus Topic


第七单元    交流文化 : Unit 7 Cultural exchange

  • 家乡的萝卜饼 : Turnip pancakes in my hometown
  • 小人书摊 : Picture-story book stalls
  • 汉字叔叔:一个美国人的汉字情缘 : Uncle Hanzi: The predestined love of an American for Chinese characters


第八单元    体会教育 : Unit 8 Understanding education

  • 阅读与思考 : Reading and thinking
  • 放手 : Letting go
  • 支教行动 : Volunteer teaching


第九单元   感受人生 : Unit 9 Feelings about life

  • 给自己加满水 : Adding up the load on yourself
  • 你属千哪一种“忙” : Which kind of “busy” person are you
  • 下棋 : Playing chess


第十单元    关注经济 : Unit 10 Focusing on economy

  • 最受欢迎的毕业生 : The most popular graduate
  • 培养对手 : Trammg your rivals
  • 竞争让市场更高效 : Competit10n makes the market more efficient


第十一单元    观察社会 : Unit 11 Observing the society

  • 登门槛效应 : Foot-in-the-door effect
  • 身边的环保 : Protecting the environment around us
  • 以堵治堵一缓解交通有妙招 : Treating congestion with congestion: A smart way to relieve traffic burden


第十二单元      亲近自然 : Unit 12 Getting close to the nature

  • 鸟儿的护肤术 : How birds take care of their feathers
  • 植物会出汗 : Plants also sweat
  • 老舍与养花 : Lao She and his flowers
Class HSK6 Part 1 Syllabus Topic


第一单元     生活点滴 : Unit 1 Moments of life

  • 孩 子给我们的启示: An epiphany from the children
  • 父母的爱 : Love of parents
  • 一盒月饼 : A box of mooncakes
  • 完美的胜利 : A perfect victory


第二单元     不甘平庸 : Unit 2 Unwilling to be mediocre

  • 学 一⻔外语需要理由吗: Do we need a reason to learn a foreign language
  • 当好职场插班生: Be a good transfer student in a workplace
  • 我的人生我做 主: I’m a master of my own life
  • 遇见原来的我: Meeting the old me


第 三单元     多彩社 会 : Unit 3 Colorful society

  • 不用手机的日子: A Day without a cell phone
  • 全球化视野中的中国饮⻝: Chinese food in the global context
  • 我不在时, 猫在 干什么: What do the cats do when i am not at home
  • 我们都爱白噪 音: We all love the white noise


第四单元    走遍天下 : Unit 4 Traveling around the world

  • 从旅游指南看世事变迁 : How travel guides reflect the changes of the world
  • 背着电饭锅拍北极 : Photographing the North Pole carrying an electric cooker on the back
  • 山 脉 上的 雕 刻 : Sculptures on the mountain range
  • 徐健和他的野生动物摄影师们 : Xu Jian and his team of wildlife photographers


第五单元     美丽家园 : Unit 5 Our beautiful world

  • 小动物眼中的慢世界: The slow world in small animal’s eyes
  • 神奇的丝瓜: The margical towel gourd
  • 无阳光的深海世界: The deep sea without sunshine
  • 金鸡窝: The golden henhouse
Class HSK6 Part 2 Syllabus Topic


第六单元     趣味世界 : Unit 6 The fun world

  • 未来商店: Future shops
  • 2050年的汽⻋什么样 : What will cars be like in 2050?
  • 大数据时代 : The big data era
  • 体育明星们的离奇遭遇 : Sports stars’ strange experiences


第 七单元    经 典阅读 : Unit 7 Reading the classics

  • 草船借箭 : Borrowing arrows with thatched boats
  • 奇异的灯 光 : The extraordinary light
  • 完璧归赵 : Returning the jade intact to the State of Zhao
  • 高 山流 水遇 知 音 : The sincere friendship between Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi


第八单元     人体探秘 : Unit 8 Exploring the human body

  • “笑” 的备忘录 A memorandum of laughing
  • 你 睡 好 了吗 : Did you sleep well?
  • 运动的学问 : Knowledge of physical activity
  • 有时,不妨悲伤: Sometimes it’s good to be sad


第九单元     古今博览 : Unit 9 Reading extensively

  • 怀 念慢 生活 : Cherishing the memory of slow life
  • 为文物而生的人: A person who was born for cultural relics
  • 走 近 木版 年 画 : Approaching the woodblock New Year Pictures
  • 中国古代书院: The ancient Chinese academies


第十单元     热点追踪 Unit 10 Tracing the hot topics

  • 警 察的 故 事 : Stories of the policemen
  • 薏眼捕捉商机 : Having an insight into business opportunities
  • 互联网时代的生活 : Life in the Internet era
  • 人类超能 力会改变世界纪录吗: Will superhuman powers change the world records?

Exam Structure

The exam will be taken in Chinese Language. To pass each level, candidates must earn a score of 60% or higher on the exam.

Level Exam structure


  Listening: 20 minutes , Reading: 30 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes


  Listening: 30 minutes , Reading: 30 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes


  Listening: 35 minutes , Reading: 30 minutes , Writing: 25 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes


  Listening: 30 minutes , Reading: 40 minutes, Writing: 25 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes


  Listening: 30 minutes , Reading: 45 minutes, Writing: 40 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes


  Listening: 35 minutes , Reading: 50 minutes, Writing: 45 minutes and Speaking: 10 minutes

 The examination is paper based and candidates must be able to construct their responses in a paper.

Security And Marking

  • Exam preparation from Confucius Institute
  • One single exam session and location for all candidates

Study Schedule For Term : January - May

Level Lecturer Day and Time First Day of Classes Status


Li Jiao Jiao

Morning class : Monday & Wednesday  from 11:00am – 12:30pm

Evening class: Monday & Wednesday from 5:00pm-6:30pm

15 Jan 2024



Morning class : Tuesday & Friday from11:00am – 12:30pm

Evening class: Thursday & Saturday from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

15 Jan 2024


Morning class : Monday & Wednesday from 11:00am – 12:30pm

Evening class: Monday & Wednesday from 5:00pm – 6:30pm

15 Jan 2024


Evening class: Tuesday & Friday From 6:00pm – 7:30pm

15 Jan 2024


Evening class : Tuesday & Friday From 6:00pm – 7:30pm

15 Jan 2024

Tuition & Exam Fees

Level Fee







HSK4 Part 1


HSK4 Part 2


HSK5 Part 1


HSK5 Part 2


Free Charge

  • Practice Exam
  • Internal Exam Fee
  • 7-day a week Internet use
  • 7-day a week library use