Faculty Publications | Volume 1 | Number 1 | January-June 2016 | Pages 67 – 72
Received: January 2016 | Published unedited: June 2016
Samuel A. Whitley
English for Academic Purposes
CamEd Business School
Every classroom, just like Cambodia, is full of wonder. Teachers wonder if their students are learning what they are teaching, students wonder if what is being taught will be on the test, and if what they are supposed to learn will ever really matter in their lives. There are two basic types of assessments, summative and formative. Classic forms of summative assessments present themselves in the form of tests and quizzes taken after the lesson has been presented, after learning has supposedly taken place. However, learning assessments need to be completed during the learning process in order to remove road blocks to learning before they become lifelong barriers. Formative assessments are the best tool for both teachers and students to end the wondering and start working together to make the classroom learning experience smoother and more effective. Formative assessments tell students that the teacher cares about their learning experience and values their opinions about what is being taught and how it’s being presented. No two classrooms are the same. Each will have a different variety of students bringing different backgrounds and experiences to the learning environment.
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