Faculty Publications | Volume 1 | Number 2 | January-June 2018 | Pages 1 – 6
Received: January 2018 | Published unedited: May 2018
3581 customers from 66 Cambodian companies in 6 industries surveyed with a questionnaire based on ServQual model of Parasuraman et al. (1988) with 22 items. Five popular customer satisfaction & loyalty variables were added in the questionnaire to gauge overall satisfaction, customer effort, recommendation, loyalty and repurchase intentions. Averages of the ServQual questions and customer satisfaction & loyalty variables formed the matrixes that are used for analyses. Overall Cambodian Service Quality levels in six industries, differences in gender, age, education and income levels are analyzed. Six industries are further examined with similar matrixes highlighting the differences among selected companies.
Key terms: Keywords: Cambodia, Service Quality, ServQual, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty.
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