Raymond Zepp
Dewey International University
ACBSP Region 10 Annual Conference
2023, pp. 17 – 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62458/CamEd/OAR/ACBSP/17-22
The paper examines the pros and cons of a three-year collaboration among 11 universities from 5 Asian countries and 4 Eastern European universities. The FRIENDS project, sponsored by the European Union, was centered on the theme of Internationalization at Home (IaH), to provide international experiences to university students staying on their home campuses, without traveling abroad. The methodology and analysis are based on interviews, over three years of the Project, with delegates from the 11 participating universities. Key focal points of the interviewees (of their choosing) were the nature of Europe-Asia collaboration, variations among the universities (especially disparities in size), unexpected consequences arising from the collaboration, and difficulties in the implementation of project activities. Suggestions are made regarding future such collaborations, especially for small universities that find it difficult to meet stringent targets for student numbers and other outputs.
Keywords: Collaboration, project, internationalization, goals.