Faculty Publications | Volume 4 | Number 1 | January-June 2019 | Pages 75 – 118
Received: July 2016 | Published unedited: November 2016
This study aims to analyze ad compare common character strengths in first and fourth year CamEd students and discusses interventions for growing strengths in CamEd students using this data. The VIA-IS 120 was used to measure strength profiles. Common reported character strengths in the total population are: Honesty, Kindness, Fairness, Teamwork & Leadership, which are different from common reported characer strengths in the total South East Asian population. Furthermore only the strength Humility shows a significant difference between both years, with higher reports in year 1. Interventions can be targeted on growing Hope and Gratitude and can be implemented in existing courses giving at CamEd. The findings show a need for further research on character strengths in Cambodian students, using a bigger population ranging from different educational providers in order to develop tailor made interventions which improve mental well-being and academic achievement in Cambodian students.
Keywords: Character Strengths, Positive Psychology, Students
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