Faculty Publications | Volume 2 | Number 2 | July-December 2017 | Pages 29 – 36
Received: July 2017 | Published unedited: November 2017
Adriaan Cornet
CamEd Business School
This paper tries to explore the necessity and different possibilities of mental health support for students enrolled in the higher education field in Cambodia. The paper stresses the importance of mental health support in Cambodian students by highlighting the high prevalence of mental health disorders in the Cambodian population in general and the rise in mental distress within students worldwide. It gives broad recommendations on how to raise mental health knowledge in students and school employees as a starting point for better mental health support in Cambodian higher education. Furthermore it stresses the importance of more research on (study) related mental health distress in Cambodian students to develop tailor made interventions to ensure a better mental health for Cambodia’s future generation.
Key terms: Freedom, Non-competition, Jurisprudence.
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