CamEd Open Access Repository

Faculty Publications  | Volume 2     |    Number 2   |  July-December 2017   |    Pages 49 – 68

Socio-Economic Challenges of People in Cambodia

Received: July 2017   |  Published unedited: November 2017

Sereyvath Ky, PhD

CamEd Business School



People residing in rural area of various parts of Cambodia are facing challenges related to unsustainability and poverty, especially for agricultural and small-business sector. Despite, Cambodia experiences with high constant growth rate of about 7% over last 5 years, the growth is not shares at the same extent to the rural people. The studies indicate that challenges related to unsustainability rural poverty is interrelated. it still faces some challenges for development, in terms of quality of public service delivery, land administration, natural resource management, environmental sustainability and good governance. This study addresses the socio-economic challenges of Cambodian’s people in Battambang, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, and Preah Sihanouk province, with 1567 sample size. The aim of the research is to understand how broad-based development to fulfill the grassroots’ socio-economic needs in Cambodian society. It folds two objectives, social challenges and economic challenges for Cambodian people.

Keyword: Social challenges, economic challenges, sustainable development, need fulfillment


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