CamEd Open Access Repository

The Study of ASEAN-Member Higher Education Institutions’ Adaptation Progress in Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: Practices and Case Study

Sam Sysoma
CamEd Business School

ACBSP Region 10 Annual Conference
2023, pp. 137 – 146




This study examines how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in ASEAN member countries adapted to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the changes in practices and strategies implemented by HEIs to ensure educational continuity. The research methodology relies on secondary data analysis, primarily from prior research conducted by Cambodian universities. The qualitative approach focuses on analyzing systematic approaches adopted by HEIs and identifying best practices for their continuous development. The key points of the paper include the historical development of HEIs in ASEAN countries and their response to regional and global trends, the impact of COVID-19 on educational systems and the need for HEIs to adapt, the role of ASEAN organizations like the ASEAN University Network (AUN) in facilitating regional collaboration in higher education, and the future direction of ASEAN’s higher education landscape as outlined in the ASEAN Higher Education Space Roadmap 2025. The study concludes that HEIs in ASEAN countries have implemented various measures to cope with the pandemic, including utilizing online learning platforms and adapting curriculum delivery methods. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing within ASEAN to ensure a resilient and sustainable higher education space in the region.

Keywords: ASEAN, higher education, COVID-19, online learning, resilience


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