CamEd Open Access Repository

Faculty Publications  | Volume 3    |    Number 1   |  January-June 2018   |    Pages 49 – 60

What are the challenges in the implementation of ERP systems?

Received: January 2018   |  Published unedited: May 2018

Muhammad M. Ma’aji, PhD

Valuation and Investments
Banking and Financial Institutions and Services
CamEd Business School



Conventionally, firms require financial or non-financial information based on quarterly and annual periods. However, the rapid changes that occur on business environment causes this periodic information to become quickly outdated. High competitive rivalry among firms requires for more updated information to enable management to make inform decisions and to rapidly adapt to opportunities. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been one of the most popular business management systems, providing benefits of real-time capabilities and seamless communication for small, medium and large organizations. However, not all ERP implementations have record success. Since ERP implementation affects entire organizations such as process, people, and culture, there are a number of challenges that companies may encounter in implementing ERP systems. More recently, organisations in Cambodia have begun replacing their legacy systems with ERP systems to improve management and administration effectiveness and efficiency. The main goal of this research is determining the most important challenges of ERP implementation in Cambodian companies. The findings from the study contributes to contextual understanding of distinctive challenges in ERP implementation among Cambodian corporate.

Keywords: Enterprise resource planning; ERP implementation, Cambodia.


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