About CB Review

CamEd Business Review (CB Review) is an online publication of CamEd Business School. It targets original manuscripts on ideas relevant to emerging matters in management, finance, accounting, marketing, business law, tax, audit, business communication, human resources management. CB Review welcomes interdisciplinary topics which are immediately useful to those in the board rooms, CEOs, CFOs and other members of the management. 

Meant to become a quick and meaningful resource, CB Review typically welcomes manuscripts by actual practitioners and academics, written in a style which is user-friendly and appealing to the greater public. We aim to publish two Issues per year. We may likely publish more often in the future.

As a service to the author(s), we fully commit to finalizing the whole process within thirty days from the submission date. Please send your manuscripts and questions to the Editor-In-Chief at: [email protected] 

Welcome Message from Chairman

Welcome to our Inaugural Issue of CamEd Business Review!

Barely three months ago, I informed our faculty members that I would like for us to start publishing a business review which directly talks to CEOs, senior executives, practitioners and professionals in the business community. The responses were overwhelmingly supportive. Quickly, we began receiving manuscripts from our faculty representing various disciplines, to whom I wholeheartedly say Thank You Very Much. Your short articles on the following pages speak volume of your expertise and commitment. Moreover, I had reached out to non-academics whose opinion on important issues helps us see what it is like on the ground. We received manuscripts from the CEO, Partners and Country Director from a real estate company, a tax firm, a law firm and an international organization. Their insightful manuscripts clearly showcase our school’s core value of embracing practicality. So, to you, I am deeply grateful and look forward to your continuous support. True to my own philosophy of always leading by examples, I volunteered to review all the manuscripts for this Inaugural Issue. I am hoping that you will tolerate my limited experience. But rest assured that we will keep improving as we embark on this journey together. Finally, my thanks go to our internal media team and the editor-in-chief who did everything possible in order to meet our deadline.

Have a good read through, and feel free to contact us at: [email protected]
Best wishes,

Dr. Virak Prum
Chairman & Professor, CamEd Business School


  • Mean Udam, ACCA, MSc
    CamEd Business School
Editorial Committee
  • Kenneth Paul Charman, PhD
  • Edman Padilla Flores
  • MD Monirul Islam
  • Shamila Ramjawan
  • Mansoureh Bahadori
    CamEd Business School
Editorial Office

Publishing Manager
Mean Udam

Editorial Assistants
Reach Saysokbora

Manuscripts will be considered only after the Author Agreement has been signed and sent to the Editor-In-Chief.

To access and sign the Author Agreement, please click here.

To access the Submission Guidelines, please click here.