Khmer New Year Blessing

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Khmer New Year Blessing

CamEd Business School CamEd Business School 64 Street 108, Phnom Penh

CamEd Business School organizes the Khmer New Year Blessing event for the purpose of community engagement and cultural preservation. This event brings together students, faculty, and staff in a shared celebration that honors traditional Khmer customs.

Open House of the Master of Science in Accounting and Finance

CamEd Business School CamEd Business School 64 Street 108, Phnom Penh

The Open House of the Master of Science in Accounting and Finance event will give you an opportunity to meet our faculty members, and CamEd alumni, and to learn about our Student’s Success and Careers Advancement. In Particular, you will learn more about how the program will prepare graduates to work as accounting and finance […]

Why ASEAN will not become an EU-like integration? What is the middle-income trap?

CamEd Grand Interview (episode 11): Why ASEAN is not becoming an EU-like integration? What is the middle-income trap? Will the EU change its priorities toward Cambodia? etc. And many more issues pertinent to regional trade. Our Chairman Dr.Virak Prum also engaged the Ambassador on the popular cashew business and what Cambodians must prepare for as […]