Print ISSN  :  2708-616X            Online ISSN  :   2708-6178

  • Manuscripts submitted by author(s) for publication in the Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Social Sciences must be original contributions and not previously published.
  • Research must not exceed 7,000 words, typed in double-space (including references) in 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • The cover page of the research paper should contain the following:
    • Title of the research
    • Name of author(s)
    • Institutional affiliation
    • Sponsoring information (if the research is sponsored or supported by an organization)
  • The manuscript paper must be accompanied by an abstract within 150 to 250 words. It must briefly state the purpose of the research, main findings and significant conclusions.
  • Keywords must be provided immediately after the abstract which encapsulates the principal topics of the paper. A maximum of eight keywords should be given.
  • As a standard requirement, the manuscript must contain the following:
    1. Abstract (150 – 250 words)
    2. Introduction (including the objectives of the study)
    3. Literature review (APA in-text citation) – at least 25 references 
    4. Hypotheses (if any)
    5. Methodology (Data sources, collection methods and techniques, sample design, statistical techniques)
    6. Data analysis/Discussion/Empirical Analysis (as needed)
    7. Conclusion (including limitations and scope for future studies)
    8. Recommendations (if appropriate)
    9. References: APA 7th edition. Learn more about the APA 7th edition:
  • Tables and figures should be placed either at the end of the paper/article or inside the body of the text. In case they are set at the end of the paper, their location in the text has to be indicated clearly as “Table – 1 about here.” Author(s) must check tables to ensure the title, column and headings are clear and to the point. Sources must be given below the table.
  • All figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) must be precise and numbered consecutively.
  • Clear sources must support tables and figures from secondary sources placed in the paper.
  • Mathematical expressions should be presented in a way that will be easily printable.
  • Endnotes and footnotes are not allowed in an APA format paper.
  • References must be placed at the end of the paper and arranged alphabetically.
  • Either British or American spellings should be followed throughout the paper. However, British and American spellings should not not be mixed.
  • Author(s) must check their paper for clarity, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.
  • The editorial team has the right to modify or edit the work in order to match the requirement of standard and style of the journal. Further, the editorial team reserves the right to reject any manuscript that,in their opinion, is unsuitable for publication in the journal. 
  • Under no circumstances will the identity of the reviewer(s) be disclosed to the author(s) or to any other third party not involved in the editorial process.
  • Correspondence and corrections will be sent to the first author unless otherwise specified. The article will be published after receipt of the corrected proofs from the author(s) as suggested by the reviewers and communicated to the author(s).
  • All correspondence should be addressed to the Center for Business Research at [email protected] and Publishing Manager Mr. Yem Bunthorn at [email protected]

All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process conducted by experts in the relevant field. Following successful peer review, the manuscripts then undergo an editorial review process before publication. These rigorous review processes ensure all accepted manuscripts meet all the requirements for publication for the journal to maintain the highest standards of scholarship.


The editors routinely screen all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism, starting from the submission stage to the peer review and editorial review stages. Manuscripts with clear evidence of plagiarism will not be accepted for publication by the journal.


Please adhere to the following points while conducting the research:

  1. While conducting the primary research, prior to the participation in the survey, potential respondents should be informed that they have no obligation to participate and would face no penalty if they chose not to participate. As such, the participation in the survey of the potential respondents shall be completely voluntary.
  2. Potential respondents should be informed that they are free to withdraw their participation at any time during the interview and there would be no pressure on them from withdrawing during the field survey.
  3. To protect the anonymity and confidentiality of the potential respondents, information gathered should not be shared with others, and should only be used for the current research.
  4. In all cases, the confidentiality of the potential respondents should be ensured, and in no case, the identity of the study participants shall be disclosed.

Learn more about JAFESS Ethical Compliance

  • There is no publication charge or article processing charge (APC).


Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Social Sciences (JAFESS) and CamEd Open Access Repository (CamEd OAR) of CamEd Business School (CamEd), are committed to the long-term preservation and accessibility of its intellectual output and scholarly publications. This policy outlines the types of materials archived, retention periods, and access procedures.

Materials Included

This policy applies to the following materials:

  • Research data: Datasets, code, lab notebooks, and other materials generated or used in research projects funded by CamEd or conducted by its faculty, students and staff.
  • Publications: Peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and other scholarly outputs published in JAFESS and CamEd OAR. 

Retention Periods

The following minimum retention periods apply to different types of materials:

  • Research data: The minimum retention period will be determined based on funding agency requirements, data sensitivity, and potential for future research. Generally, research data will be archived for a minimum of five years after project completion.
  • Publications: All scholarly publications by JAFESS and CamEd OAR will be archived permanently.


  • Metadata: Every published material shall be submitted in open and sustainable digital formats as soon as possible. A doi will be required to ensure its discoverability and long-term access.
  • DOI Administration: The JAFESS Publishing Manager and his/her representative(s) will be responsible for requesting and updating doi for every published content. 

The JAFESS Publishing Manager is responsible for the overall management of the archiving procedures, including:

  • Overseeing the selection, submission, and preservation of archived materials.
  • Ensuring the long-term accessibility and integrity of archived materials.
  • Developing and maintaining procedures for accessing archived materials.

This Archiving Guide will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains current with best practices and technological advancements.


JAFESS is committed to open-access publishing. We follow the principle that authors retain the copyright of their work while granting JAFESS the right of first publication.

Authors retain copyright and grant right of first publication:

Authors of articles published in JAFESS retain the copyright of their work. Under the license terms, they have the right to:

  • Reproduce the article in whole or part in any future works of their own creation.
  • Share the article with others, including placing it in an institutional repository or on their personal website.

License Terms

Articles published in JAFESS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0 ] license. This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, provided they comply with the terms of the CC BY 4.0​​ license.

For full details, please refer to the Creative Commons license: [Creative Commons License]


Except where otherwise noted, content in JAFESS and CamEd OAR © 2016 by CamEd Business School is licensed under CC BY 4.0