The Leadership course starts with an analysis of how leadership impacts nation-states, proposing that there is a correlation between a nation’s well-being and its leadership. The course then analyzes how leadership impacts the performance of businesses, profit-oriented organizations. 

The course operates with the following narrative: leadership is the process of influencing others to achieve specific organizational goals. The course examines approaches of various leadership theoreticians such as R. Cialdini, who offers six basic laws of influencing people – ranging from liking and reciprocity to authority and scarcity. Furthermore, D. Goleman suggests that apart from technical skills, leaders must be equipped with certain emotional competencies. This represents an indispensable part of leadership – the art of persuasion.


The aim of this course is to equip students with a profound understanding of leadership, its main functions, roles, and its implications on public as well as private, profit-oriented organizations, defined as socially coordinated units. The students will familiarize themselves with the underlying principles of leadership in the context of organizational life.



There are no  prerequisites for this course.




On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Knowledge Level of
Identify the key elements of the Trait theory (CK1)
Identify the Trait theory of leadership and its key principles.
Understand PK2
Recognize the key elements of the Behavioral theory (CK2)
Recognize the Behavioral theory of leadership and its key principles.
Understand PK2
Demonstrate transformational leadership (CK3)
Demonstrate how transformational leadership facilitates changes in organizations.
Apply PK2
Cognitive Skills Level of
Distinguish among various means (CC1)
Distinguish among various means through which leaders organize their change efforts in organizations.
Analyze PIP1
Develop leadership qualities through project-based learning (CC2)
Foster leadership competencies through project-based learning
Apply PIP1
Examine the role of ethics in decision-making (CC3)
Examine the role of ethics in the leadership decision-making process.
Analyze PIP2
Communication, Information Technology, and Numerical Skills Level of
Formulate ideas logically and persuasively (CCIT1)
Produce and present your own ideas logically and persuasively.
Create PCIT3
Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities Level of
Work in a team (CIP1)
Work effectively in a team.
Value PIP1


   Grades will be determined based on a grading score, calculated using the following assessments and score allocations:

SKILL Assessment Skill Weighting for Grade
Partici- pation In-class Tests Assign- Ment 1 Assign- Ment 2 Final Exam
Explain Neurological Basis of Behavior and Mind (CK1) 40% 40% 20% 15%
Explain Learning Principles of Behavior (CK2) 40% 20% 20% 20% 15%
Apply Psychological Theories in Business Contexts (CC1) 40% 40% 20% 25%
Analyze Cognitive Processes and Biases (CC2) 30% 30% 40% 15%
Discuss Genetics and Evolution in Psychology (CC3) 40% 40% 20% 15%
Use Information Technology Tools (CCIT1) 50% 50% 5%
Identify Own Cognition and Behavior (CIP1) 20% 20% 60% 10%



This course is primarily lecture-based, project-based, and assignment-based; assigned readings support learning outcomes and serve as a reference to the material covered in the class. Additional emphasis is laid on class discussions. The teaching methodology aims to promote critical thinking of students, as well as their active participation. The students have to show their understanding of the basic facts. The students’ knowledge is periodically reviewed by tests and quizzes. The course incorporates the principles of outcome-based education. In order to improve students’ teamwork, and make them familiar with project-based learning, the course introduces a community service project.

Assignment : Leadership Style Analysis
Work Group: Group 
Output Format

Power Point

Language: English
Description: This is an assignment, in which the students are required to analyze leadership qualities and leadership styles of specific leaders. Moreover, a leader’s impact on organization is analyzed as well. The students choose a well-known leader they wish to analyze in line with the course. Scoring will be according to the Assignment Rubric.

Community Service Project

Work Group: 


Output format: Community Service Project (Charity Activity), Digital documentation, photos, video presentation
Language: English
Description: Based on class allocation, each group will identify a marginalized community in Cambodia, and create an effective strategy on how to address the specific needs of the community. Students may address these needs by conducting their own charity activity, or by supporting the already existing organizations. Examples of their activities include collecting and disposing rubbish in designated areas, painting a school, teaching poor children to read, delivering supplies to schools located in remote areas of the country, raising money to primary school pupils. After the project execution, the students’ experience is evaluated through a self-administered questionnaire, which allows them to reflect on the knowledge they acquired. The questionnaire will also indicate the types of cognitive and emotional competencies students were able to develop through project-based learning. These typically include elements such as communication, self-awareness, empathy, motivation, self-confidence, etc.


The course targets the 30 lessons in the study plan below. Each lesson is 1.5 class hours each; there are a total of 45 class hours.  The study plan below describes the skills to be learned in each lesson (learning outcome). Readings should be completed before the start of each class. Implementation of this study plan may vary depending on the progress and needs of students. References are supporting documents which students may optionally read for deeper understanding or clarification.

 No Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching (T), and Assessment (A) Methods

Leadership: Introduction

  1. Describe the course learning outcomes and assessment
  2. Outline Leadership Theories. (CK3).
Lecture (T) Reading: Introduction to Leadership CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes

Leadership as Art Group Assignment topics & Leadership Project outline; Grading and Assessment Criteria

  1. Analyze the principles of ethical leadership (CK4).
Lecture (T) Community Service Project Briefing (T, A) Reading: Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 1-6.

The Importance of Leadership

  1. Interpret the Trait theory of leadership (CK1).
Lecture (T) Informal Quiz (A) Reading: Chapter 1: Leadership: How it works. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Three types of Leaders. The Trait and Behavioral theories of leadership.

  1. Interpret the Behavioral theory of leadership (CK2).

Individual and Environmental factors of the leadership process. Caring Leadership  Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life. (CC2)

Reading: Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 7-13. Lecture (T) Group Assignment work (A) Reading:Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 1-11.

Leadership in the political systems of Southeast Asia.

  1. Interpret the Trait theory of leadership (CK1).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Chapter 2: Leadership in Politics. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Nation-state building process The power or Vision. Leadership styles: Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire, Bureaucratic Leadership. The principles of Charismatic Leadership.

  1. Outline charismatic and transformational leadership (CK3).
  2. Interpret role of the vision in effective leadership (CK3).
Lecture (T) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 12-24. Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 15-29.

Organizations and Leadership 

  1. Analyze and discuss the means through which leaders organize their efforts across a broad range of business contexts (CC1).
Lecture (T) Quiz 1 (A) Reading: Chapter 3: Leadership in Business. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Organizations, Strategy, Structure, Process. The Power of Vision

  1. Extend the ethical aspects of the decision-making process and analyze the principles of ethical leadership (CK4).
Lecture (T) Group assignment work (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 25-50.

Organizations and Leadership. Leadership & Management 

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life. (CC2).
Lecture (T) Informal Quiz 2 (A) Reading: Chapter 3: Leadership in Business. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

CSR, Triple Bottom Line, Empowerment, Employee engagement.

  1. Analyze and discuss the means through which leaders organize their efforts across a broad range of business contexts. (CC1).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 51-63.

Leadership qualities

  1. Outline how visionary leadership (that is, charismatic and transformational leadership) helps leaders achieve effective leadership.
Lecture (T) Quiz 2 (A) Reading: Chapter 4: Leadership Qualities. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Vision, Ability, Stability, Persistence, Self-Confidence, Enthusiasm, Vitality, Charisma, Integrity, Concern for others. 

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life. (CC2).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment work (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 64-80.

Leadership qualities.

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life. (CC2).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Chapter 4: Leadership Qualities. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Emotional Intelligence and emotional competencies.

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional Format and advance the communication skills of students (CCIT1)
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Work (A) Reading: Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 30-41


  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life. (CC2).
Lecture (T) Midterm Exam Review (A) Reading: Chapter 5: Leadership Ethics. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Values, Ethics at Workplace.

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CLO 4.2.2).
  2. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students (CCIT1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 92-138. Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 81-93.

Empowerment of People  Effective Leadership

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Chapter 6: Leadership and Empowerment. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Leadership Authority, Workplace diversity, Empowerment in the Workplace, Delegation of Authority. 

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional Format and advance the communication skills of students (CCIT1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 97-123.

Leading Organizational Change.

  1. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Chapter 7: Leading Organizational Change 1. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Planning the Change.

  1. Analyze and discuss the means through which leaders organize their efforts across a broad range of business contexts. (CC1).
  2. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 126-145.

Implementing the Change. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2). 

  1. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Quiz 3 (A) Reading: Chapter 8: Leading Organizational Change 2. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Change modeling.

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2). 
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Cialdini, Robert, B, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, Harvard Business Review, October 2001. pp: 72-75. Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 227-243.

Diversity Challenge Understanding People Developing Others.

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional Format and advance the communication skills of students (CCIT1).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Chapter 9: Understanding People. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Human Behavior, The Art of Persuasion.

  1. Outline how visionary leadership (that is, charismatic and transformational leadership) helps leaders achieve effective leadership (CK3).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Cialdini, Robert, B, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, Harvard Business Review, October 2001. pp: 76-79. Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 244-256.

Leader as Teacher.

  1. Extend the ethical aspects of the decision-making process and analyze the principles of ethical leadership (CK4).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Chapter 10: Developing Others. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Help people through Change.

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2). 
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Leadership Self-Assessment (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 146-160. Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, pp: 316-339.

Ancient Philosophy. 

  1. Outline how visionary leadership (that is, charismatic and transformational leadership) helps leaders achieve effective leadership (CK3).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Quiz 4 (A) Reading: Chapter 11: Ancient Philosophy 1. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.

Ethics, Morals and Ancient Philosophy in Europe

  1. Extend the ethical aspects of the decision-making process and analyze the principles of ethical leadership (CK4).
  2. Maximize the students’ teamwork skill-set through performance, analysis and evaluations of the group assignments.(CIP1).
Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 161 – 185.

Ancient Philosophy.

  1. Outline how visionary leadership (that is, charismatic and transformational leadership) helps leaders achieve effective leadership (CK3).
  2. Extend the ethical aspects of the decision-making process and analyze the principles of ethical leadership (CK4).
Assignment Submission & Presentation Lecture (T) Group Assignment Presentation (A) Reading: Chapter 12: Ancient Philosophy 2. CamEd Leadership Lecture Notes.  

Role of Values and Ancient Philosophy in Asia.

  1. Apply the leadership skills of students in the organizational life (CC2).
Lecture (T) Community Service Project Self- Assessment (A) Reading: Covey, Stephen, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp: 186-214.
Total Hours: 45



  • Covey, Stephen,  The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness,  Simon & Schuster, 2004.


  • Manning, George – Curtis, Kent, The Art of Leadership, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2009.
  • Covey, Stephen,  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change,  Free Press, 2004. 
  • Gerber, James, International Economics, Pearson Education, 2005. 
  • Kotter, John, P, Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. 
  • Kotter, John, P – Cohen, Dan, S, The Heart of Change: Real Life Stories of how people change their organizations, Harvard Business School Press, 2002. 
  • Cialdini, Robert, B, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, Harvard Business Review, October 2001. 
  • Cummings, Thomas, G  – Worley, Christopher, G, Organization Development and Change, South-Western College, 2014. 
  • Goleman, Daniel, Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam, 2000.
  • Studwell, Joe, How Asia Works:  Success and Failure in the World’s Most Dynamic Region, Profile Books, Main Edition, 2014.
  • Kuan, Lee, Y, The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, Prentice Hall, 1998.