Dr. Virak Prum is a respected figure in the legal community and brings with him over 15 years of combined international academic and work experience in the fields of law, policy and international development. His past leadership work includes heading the legal department of potentially the biggest corporation in Cambodia, being a senior political officer at the British Embassy, a senior legal consultant at a firm, a dean of a law faculty, a public affairs specialist at the United States Embassy, a policy advisor for an international organization and an Associate Dean of a college of social sciences. Dr. Virak Prum has published articles in various peer-reviewed journals on decentralization, public administration and climate change. He has also authored many opinion pieces on Phnom Penh Post and Khmer Times on constitutional law, administrative law, international economic law and competition law. Dr. Virak Prum is a frequent speaker and acts as a legal expert at numerous conferences and workshops. He also used to give lectures at the Royal Academy for Judicial Professions.