The aim of the course is to equip students with the profound understanding of the Cold War and its implications on both international relations as well as on political systems of specific countries. The students will become familiar with the underlying principles of this conflict. Apart from political and historical analysis, the course will also focus on the economic implications of the Cold War. To understand the forces that laid the foundation of the modern political system of the country is essential. Equally important is to understand the socio-economic factors that paved the way to World War I and World War in general, and the Cold War in particular, as namely the Cold War was a conflict that spanned over the four decades. Therefore, the course will incorporate the findings of economics, sociology, social psychology, comparative politics, constitutional and international law, as well as geopolitics and geo-economics.


The course starts with the overview of World War I and World War II, and the analysis of subsequent events that paved the way to the Cold War. The core of the course explains the conflict between superpowers from an Asian perspective. The special attention will be dedicated to understanding those factors that led to the foundation of Cambodia’s modern political system, and further elaborating the impact of the Cold War on this system.


Credits: 3

Lecture Hours: 45

Self-Study Hours: 100

  • Reading: 30      
  • Review: 30
  • Assignment: 40

Total Study Hours: 145



There are no prerequisites for this course.


LEARNING OUTCOMES The learning outcomes for this course cover the area of political science, history and international relations.
1.  Knowledge

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Understand PK4 CK2 Identify the key Cold War participants and their political and economic strategies.
Understand PK1 CK4 Explain how the Cold War has shaped modern day Cambodia, Vietnam and China.

2.  Cognitive Skills

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Analyze PC5 CC1 Analyze events through empirical and comparative studies.
Apply PK1 CK1 Interpret the origins of the Cold War.
Analyze PK4 CK3 Contrast the ideological differences between the two superpowers.

3.  Communication, Information Technology, and Numerical Skills

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Understand PCIT4 CCIT1 Report analysis clearly and logically

4.   Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Apply PIP1 CIP1 Work effectively in a team.


The study plan describes various learning outcomes for each lesson. Readings should be done by students as preparation before the start of each class. Implementation of this study plan may vary somewhat depending on the progress and needs of students.

No  Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities, Assessment

Political Science : Introduction

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1)
  Lecture Reading: Introduction to Political science – CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

Group Assignment topics; Grading and Assessment Criteria

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1)
  2. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies( CK2).

Describe how the Cold War shaped modern day Cambodia, Vietnam and China. (CK4)

  Lecture Pre-Cold War World. Reading: Chapter 1:World War I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 1- 3

Pre-Cold War World

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1).
  2. Contrast the ideological differences between the two superpowers (CK3).
  Lecture Reading: Chapter 1:World War I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

World War I

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1)
  2. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies( CK2).
  Lecture Discussion Quiz 1 Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 4-10.

Root causes of World War I

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1)
  Lecture Reading: Chapter 1:World War I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

Nationalism, Imperialism, Alliances, Militarism

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1)
Lecture Discussion Reading: Chapter 1: World War I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

Great Depression

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1)
Lecture Group brainstorming: The Great Depression. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 11-15.

Root causes of World War II; Rise of Ideologies

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1).
  2. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies(CK2).
  Lecture Discussion Reading: Chapter 2: World War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.  

World War II in Europe and Africa

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1)
  Lecture Group brainstorming: World War II. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 16-25.

Post-war order in Europe

  1. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies( CK2).
  Lecture Discussion Quiz 2. Reading: Chapter 2: World War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

World War II in Asia-Pacific

  1. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies ( CK2).
  Lecture Discussion Reading: Reading: Chapter 2: World War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

World War II conferences ;

  1. Interpret the origins of the  Cold War. (CK1).
  2. Contrast the ideological differences between the two superpowers (CK3).
  Lecture Discussion Reading: Chapter 3: Political power. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

Cold War in Europe

  1. Contrast the ideological differences between the two superpowers (CK3).
  Lecture Group brainstorming:Cold War begins. Reading: Chapter 3: Political power. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 26-40.

Containment Theory

  1. Explore the means through which the nation-states organize their efforts during the Cold War (CC1)
  Lecture Midterm Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 4: Stalinism. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 41-55.

Cold War in Asia

  1. Explore the means through which the nation-states organize their efforts during the Cold War (CC1)
  2. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies.(CC1).
  Lecture Midterm Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 5-6: Geopolitical games, Crimes & Punishment. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 56-70.

Korean War; Domino theory

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
Lecture Group brainstorming:Korean War. Reading: Chapter 7-8: From Kennan to Korean War, Korean War. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 71-85.

Communism in China

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1).
Lecture Discussion Group Assignment Presentation Reading: Chapter 9: China – The Red Dragon I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 86-100.

People’s Republic of China

  1. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies (CK2).
Lecture Group brainstorming:People’s Republic of China Discussion Group Assignment Presentation Reading: Chapter 9: China – The Red Dragon I. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

China and Cold War

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies (CC1).
Reading: Chapter 10: China – The Red Dragon II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 101-120.

International relations between China, Cambodia, Vietnam

  1. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies ( CK2).
  2. Explore the means through which the nation-states organize their efforts during the Cold War (CC1)
  Lecture Discussion Quiz 3 Reading: Chapter 11-12: Arms Race, Vietnam War 1. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 121-135.

Arms Race and Mutual Assured Destruction

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Reading: Chapter 11: The Arms Race. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 136-150.

Weapons of Mass destructions

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Discussion Reading: Chapter 11: The Arms Race. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

First Indochina War

  1. Identify key Cold War participants and its political and economic strategies ( CK2).
  2. Explore the means through which the nation-states organize their efforts during the Cold War (CC1)
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Reading: Chapter 12-13: Vietnam War I – Vietnam War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 151-170.

Impact of the First Indochina War on Cambodia; Kingdom of Cambodia

  1. Explore the means through which the nation-states organize their efforts during the Cold War (CC1)
  2. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Quiz 4 Reading: Chapter 12-13: Vietnam War I – Vietnam War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 171-185.

Second Indochina war Kingdom of Cambodia; Democratic Kampuchea; People’s Republic of Kampuchea

  1. Analyze the historical development through empirical and comparative studies.(CC1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Discussion Reading: Chapter 13: Vietnam War II. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 186-200.

Second Indochina war Kingdom of Cambodia; Democratic Kampuchea; People’s Republic of Kampuchea)

  1. Communicate effectively among team members (CIP1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Reading: Chapter 14: Cambodia and The Cold War. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 201-215.

The fall of Democratic Kampuchea

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Final Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 14: Cambodia and the Cold War. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

The fall of Khmer Rouge movement; People’s Republic of Kampuchea

  1. Communicate effectively among team members (CIP1).
  Lecture Group Assignment Presentation Final Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 14: Cambodia and the Cold War. CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.

The end of the Cold War Post-Cold War order.

  1. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
  Lecture Final Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 15: The End of Cold War CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes. Reading: History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, pp 216-230.

Asia and the Post-Cold War order.

  1. Communicate effectively among team members. (CIP1).
  2. Originate analysis, spreadsheets and output in a clear and professional format and advance the communication skills of students. (CCIT1).
  Lecture Final Exam Review Discussion Reading: Chapter 15: The End of Cold War CamEd Political Science Lecture Notes.
 Total Hours : 45 hours


This course is primarily lecture and assignment-based; assigned readings will support learning outcomes and serve as a reference to the material covered in the class. Additional emphasis is laid on class discussions. The teaching methodology will aim to promote critical thinking of students as well as their active participation in and outside their classroom settings. The students will have to show their understanding of the basic facts. The students’ knowledge will be periodically reviewed by tests and quizzes. This course aims to introduce elements of a comparative and historical analysis, deductive reasoning, analysis of the cause-effect relation – the elements that are commonly utilized in social science subjects. The course incorporates the principles of outcome-based education. In order to improve presentations skills of the students, as well as their teamwork, the course introduces a group assignment. This serves as a supportive source of the study.


Grades will be determined based on a grading score, using the following assessments and score allocations:

Assessment Weight of each assessment Learning Outcome Assessed
Attendance  5% CIP1 PIP1
Participation 5% CC1 PIP1
In-class tests 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CC1,CCIT1,CIP1 PC5
Assignment 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CC1,CCIT1, CIP1 PC5; PCIT4
Midterm exam 25% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CC1,CCIT1, CIP1 PK1; PK4
Final exam 25% CK2, CK3, CK4, CC1 PK1, PK2
Total grading score 100%  

Assignment – Political science topic related to the Cold War.

Work Group: Group
Output format: Power Point
Language: English
Assignment: This is an assignment, in which students are required to analyze various political science topics related to the Cold War. Students either choose a historical event, such as conflict or they choose a specific historical character they wish to analyze in line with the course.




  1. Roger, Kelly & Thomas, Jo, History: 20th Century World, The Cold War, Pearson, 2008.


  1. Westad, Odd Arne, The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and Making of Our Times, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  2. Westad, Odd Arne, et al, The Third Indochina War: Conflict between China, Vietnam and Cambodia 1972-1979, Routledge, 2006.
  3. Becker, Elizabeth, When the War was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution, Public Affairs, 1998.
  4. Hayton, Bill, The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia, Yale University Press, The first Edition. 2014.
  5. Ros, Chantrabot, Khmer Republic, CamEd Business School, 2017.
  6. Studwell, Joe, How Asia Works: Success and Failure in the World’s Most Dynamic Region, Profile Books, Main Edition, 2014.