Bachelor of Accounting and Finance graduates will be working closely with other people. The role of interaction may be as a colleague, a subordinate, a manager, or a service provider. Thus, it is essential for bachelor of accountancy to be able to understand the way people are motivated, learn, express emotions, perceive and make decisions. Thus, this course will help them in interacting with others as well as helping them manage themselves. Moreover, self-understanding is equally important for students in their personal and professional lives. The graduates will regularly be planning, setting goals, achieving success, failing and encountering great deals of stress. Students will be better equipped to deal with these events if they understand the origin and causes of cognition, emotion and behavior.


This course provides a strong foundation in psychology, with an emphasis on learning, cognition and behavior. While the course reviews the genetic and biological basis of behaviour (already studied in grade 12 biology), we also look at mental processes of concern to the professional, such as learning, memory, social behaviour, and decision making. Students will develop their understanding of humans and human emotions as part of a complex animal.


Credits: 3

Lecture Hours: 45
Self-Study Hours:

  • Reading: 40 (172 pages reading)     
  • Homework: 30 (Practices)
  • Assignment: 20 (Research, writing)  

Total Self-Study: 90
Total Study Hours: 135



There are no requisites for this course.


The learning outcomes for this course cover four main subject areas: The genetic and biological basis of behaviour, memory, learning and decision making, and mental disorders. On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.  Knowledge

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Understand PK1 CK1 Discuss how genetics and evolution is influencing human psychology.
Remember PK1 CK2 Define the different areas of the human brain, their functions and how they communicate.
Understand PK1 CK3 Explain different types of conditioning and its effects on human behaviour.
Understand PK1 CK4 Describe different memory types and the process of memorizing & forgetting.
Understand PK1 CK5 Explain cognition and decision making processes.

2.  Cognitive Skills

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Apply PC3 CC1 Apply psychological theories about learning, thinking and social influence in the workplace.
Evaluate PC3 CC2 Choose means of decision making that reduces biases and the negative effects of common decision making heuristics.
Apply PC3 CC3 Use psychological theories about learning, thinking and social influence in marketing.

3.  Communication, Information Technology, and Numerical Skills

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Apply PCIT1 CCIT1 Use basic word processing software facilitating writing research papers.

4.   Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities

Level of Learning PLO CLO Learning Outcome
Understand PIP1 CIP1 Identify own emotions, behavior and mental health as a result of biological, social and psychological influences.


The course targets the 30 lessons in the study plan below. Each lesson is 1.5 class hours each; there are a total of 45 class hours. The study plan below describes the learning outcome for each lesson, described in terms of what the student should be able to do at the end of the lesson. Readings should be done by students as preparation before the start of each class. Implementation of this study plan may vary somewhat depending on the progress and needs of students.

No  Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities, Assessment
 1 Introduction Course  

Genetics & Evolution: Genes

  1. Describe basics of DNA and Genetics (CK1)
  2. Illustrate the effect of genes on Phenotype (CK1)
  Lecture Demonstration “Gene expression” Group problem Reading: Psychology pp: 88 – 93

Biological Basis: Natural Selection

  1. Describe Natural Selection and its effect on Evolution (CK1)
  Lecture Demonstration “Natural Selection” Group problem “Natural Selection” Reading: Psychology pp: 93 – 97

Biological Basis: Evolutionary perspective

  1. Explain the idea of taking an Evolutionary perspective on human traits (CK1, CIP1)
Lecture Video based discussion Group problem Class Discussion​ Reading: Psychology pp: 93 – 97  

Brain: Nervous system and Cerebral Cortex: 

  1. Describe the nervous system and the position and function of the brain. (CK2)
Review test Lecture Class Brainstorm Reading: Psychology pp: 73 – 79  

Brain: Lobes and Hemispheres

  1. Define the different areas of the human brain. (CK2)
  Lecture Group problem “parts of a brain” Video ‘Lateralization’ Reading: Psychology pp: 73 – 79

Brain: Neurons and Neurotransmitters

  1. Define neurons. (CK2)
  2. Describe how neurons communicate. (CK2)
  Lecture Group problem “Communication Video demonstration Group discussion Reading: Psychology pp: 57 – 65

Brain: Plasticity

  1. Describe how experiences change the brain. (CK2, CIP1)
Lecture Video demonstration Group problem “Phineas Cage” Reading: Psychology pp: 83 – 86

Learning: Classical Conditioning

  1. Describe Classical Conditioning (CK3)
Lecture Group problem “Conditioning” Review test Reading: Psychology pp: 183 – 194

Learning: Classical Conditioning II

  1. Analyse the use of classical conditioning in advertising (CK3, CC1, CC3)
  2. Apply theories of classical conditioning for creating meaning (CC1, CC3, CIP1)
Lecture Video problem “Ceasar” Group problem “Creating meaning” Reading Psychology pp 183 – 194  

Learning: Operant Conditioning

  1. Explain operant conditioning (CK3)
  Lecture Group problem “Reinforcers” Reading: Psychology pp 194 – 205

Learning: Operant Conditioning II 

  1. Apply different types of operant conditioning to create specific behavioral changes (CK3, CC1, CIP1. CC3)
Lecture Group problem “applying Instrumental conditioning” Reading: Psychology pp 194- 205

Memory: Types of memory

  1. Define the three different types of memory. (CK4)
Lecture Review test Demonstration working memory Video discussion “Dory” Reading: Psychology pp 215 – 226

Memory: Encoding, Storage & Retrieval

  1. Describe the process of encoding and storage. (CK4)
  2. Apply the theory of encoding to improve memorization. (CK4, CC1)
Lecture Demonstration active engagement Demonstration “Encoding” Group problem “Encoding” Reading: Psychology pp 226 – 238

Memory: Retrieval & Forgetting

  1. Describe different ways of forgetting and the importance of retrieval in forgetting. (CK4)
  Lecture Demonstration “Retrieval” Group discussion Demonstration: “forgetting Reading: Psychology pp 238 – 247
16 Course Assignment lecture Review test Lecture Group discussion

Mid term review

  1. Discuss the topics covered in the first half of the term.
Lecture Didactic questioning Test review Group discussion

 Thinking: Attention

  1. Define attention. (CK5)
  2. Apply techniques to improve attention (CC1, CC2 & CC3)
  Lecture Group problem: “Attention Reading: Psychology pp 251 – 260

Thinking: Consciousness

  1. Explain Consciousness and Subconsciousness. (CK5) 
  2. Describe the importance of Subconscious thinking processes. (CK5)
  Lecture Demonstration “Stroop task” Group discussion Reading: Psychology pp 311 – 321

Thinking: Decision Making

  1. Define  Dual Processing. (CK5)
  2. Describe decision making through dual processing. (CK5)
  Lecture Demonstration “Dual Processing” Group problem “Dual Processing” Reading: Psychology pp 262 – 274

Thinking: Heuristics

  1. Apply knowledge of system 1 decision making into the field of marketing (CK5, CC2, CC3)
  Lecture Demonstration “Heuristics” Video demonstration Group problem “Heuristics Reading: Psychology pp 262 – 274

Social Influence: Social Perception

  1. Define Stereotypes and prejudice (CIP1)
  2. Apply ways of preventing prejudice (CC1, CC3)
Review test Lecture Video demonstration “Reciprocity” Group discussion Reading: Psychology pp 421 – 429

Social Influence: Persuasion

  1. Explain Reciprocity (CIP1)
  2. Describe different techniques in Persuasion. (CC1)
  Lecture Video demonstration Group Problem Reading: Psychology pp 429 – 437

Social Influence: Interpersonal Influence

  1. Explain Conformity and Obedience (CK5)
  2. Apply strategies to lessen the effect of Conformity. (CC1, CC3)
  Lecture Group Problem “Conformity Video demonstration “Conformity” Video demonstration “Milgram” Reading: Psychology pp 442 – 449

Social Influence: Interpersonal Influence

  1. Apply knowledge of different social influences in marketing and management (CK5, CC1, CC3, CIP1)
  Lecture Group problem “social influence” Reading: Psychology pp 442 – 449

Mental Health: Emotions & Stress

  1. Define emotions. (CIP1)
  2. Define stress. (CIP1)
  Review test Lecture Group Problem “Mental health” Reading: Psychology pp 379 – 394

Mental Health: Stress Disorders

  1. Classify and Illustrate anxiety disorders (CIP1)
  Lecture Group Discussion: “Mental health” Case study Reading: Psychology pp 402 – 409;489 – 497

Mental Health: Mood disorders

  1. Classify and Illustrate mood disorders (CIP1)
Lecture Video demonstration: “Depression” Case study “depression” Reading: Psychology pp 503 – 515

Mental Health: Coping & Treatment

  1. Describe different coping techniques (CIP1)
  Lecture Video Demonstration Group discussion Reading: Psychology pp 515 – 520

Closing Lecture

  1. Summarize all course theories (all outcomes)
Lecture Didactic questioning Review test Reading: Psychology pp 694 – 703
 Total Hours : 45 hours


This course is primarily reading and lecture based; assigned readings will serve as a reference to material covered in class. Students will be regularly tested in order to enforce and encourage reading. During class, approximately half of the class will be devoted to lecture with another half of the class for quizzing and discussion.


Grades will be determined based on a grading score, calculated using the following assessments and score allocations:

Assessment Weight of each assessment Learning Outcome Assessed
Participation 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CK5, CC1, CC2, CC3, CCIT1, CIP1 PK1, PC3, PCIT1, PIP1
In-class tests 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CK5, CC1, CC2, CC3 PK1, PC3.
Assignments 20% CK4, CK5, CCIT1, CIP1 PK1, PC3, PCIT1, PIP1
Midterm exam 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CC1 PK1, PC3
Final exam 20% CK1, CK2, CK3, CK4, CK5, CC1, CC2, CC3, CIP1 PK1, PC3, PIP1
Total grading score 100%  

During the course there is one assignment: Recreation of Experiment Assignment

Work Group: Group
Output format: APA Format Report, Presentation
Language: English
Assignment: During the term, there will be one research assignment in which students are required to work in groups and recreate an experiment as covered in this course. According to their own interests students can choose between two different experiments covering theories about Memory or Conformity. Students will write a research paper based on their experiment in which they will describe their findings and explain these results according to existing theories.



  1. Kalat, James W., Introduction to Psychology, 11th Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston, 2017


  1. Kahneman, Thinking, fast and slow, Penguin, London, 2015.
  2. Department of Psychology Royal University of Phnom Penh (2012). Cambodian Mental Health Survey 2012.
  3. Leitner Centre (2012). Special Report: Mental Health and Human Rights in Cambodia