Student Services

The mission of CamEd Business School Career Services and Student Advising is to advise students on career selection and preparation, to advise students on academic choices in that preparation, to prepare students for recruitment, and to efficiently match them with suitable employers, while promoting CamEd to those employers.

BA Graduates Position and Workplace

CAT Graduates Position and Workplace

ACCA Graduates Position and Workplace

Audit Firms Financial Institutions Companies Organisations
BDO ACLEDA British American Tobacco Care
Ernst and Young AMK Chevron Oxfam
Fides Amret Coca Cola (CBC) Pact
Grant Thornton ANZ Royal Bank Crown Beverage Plan
KPMG Cambodia Public Bank Maersk SECC
Premier Consulting Canadia Bank Mobitel WFP
PWC Forte Insurance M-Phone World Vision
Morison Kak & Association Maruhan Bank Naga World  
Woori Union Commercial Bank Telekom Malaysia  
  Vision Fund Tiger Beer (APB)  

CamEd Tutors

Please refer to your Online Access Requisition to Request Tutors.

Link: CamEd Online Access

Ma Kimphea

Specialized Subject: Financial Accounting (FA)

Poch Sopheaktra

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Sok SreySang

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Bin Kivary

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Chan Physreylinh

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Pheng Samrith Puthipanha

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Ear Seang Y

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Ly Buneang

Specialized Subject: Management Accounting FMA

Hy Sokleng

Specialized Subject: Quantitative Methods for Business and Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Tat Sothearaot

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Pich Sosen

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2 and Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Chhay Thonyta

Specialized Subject: Financial Accounting (FA)

Inn Tymeng

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Sreng Tayheng

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Kareen Bunveng

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Chhun Chheng

Specialized Subject: Financial Management

Long Somethie

Specialized Subject: Financial Accounting

Kong Oudom

Specialized Subject: Principles of Management FAB

Ban Pisey

Business and Technology FBT

Eng Daro

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Ouk pechhordarangsey

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Yon Ubol

Business and Technology FBT

Kong Sopheak

Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Chuor Rosa

Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Mao Soasda

Specialized Subject: Financial Accounting (FA)

Kim Sovann

Specialized Subject: Cambodian Business Law

Seng Sothea

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances (MA2)

Chang Sreytouch

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Chheng Vanvoleak

Specialized Subject: Business and Technology FBT

Leang Vuochlang

Specialized Subject: Business and Technology FBT

Luy Sereypanha

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Monyrath Yady

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Orn Kimgech

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Sieng Menghong

Specialized Subject: Business and Technology FBT

Soun Youra

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Sros Socheata

Specialized Subject: Business and Technology FBT

Tann Sunly

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Thorl Somaly

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Try Sreypich

Specialized Subject: Business and Technology FBT

Ly Livyi

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Suon Sovann Vichea

Specialized Subject: Maintaining Financial Records FA2

Bun Penghuy

Specialized subject: Cambodian Business Law

Khen vimean

Specialized Subject: Principles of Management F1/FBT

Heng Sopheap

Specialized Subject: Managing Costs and Finances MA2

Chhour Rothanak Soursdey

Specialized Subject: Financial Accounting 1 (FA2)

Sokha Sothida

Specialized Subject: Marketing

Orng Mengsung

Specialized subject: Management Accounting 1 (MA2)

Tutor Evaluation

JD2020 Tutor Evaluation Information