CamEd Center for Business Research

Welcome Message from the Chair of the Center

Welcome to CamEd Center for Business Research! As the number one higher education institute in Cambodia, CamEd has built a fine reputation based on the quality of our programs and the practicality of our teaching approach, which has earned trust and admiration from all relevant employers. Our research activities have been an integral part of the overall success. Recognizing the crucial role that research plays in sustaining success and expanding our horizon, our Board of Trustees, acting upon the advice from its strategically forward-looking Chairman Dr. Virak Prum, decided to establish CamEd Center for Business Research. The Center– being an upgrade of the existing Research Committee– continues to serve as a platform for our professors to publish their research findings. You are invited to browse this site to read all the publications available for free of charge. As we expand, we continually seek partnerships with like-minded centers and institutions around the world.

Since our faculty members have diverse backgrounds, we hope to partner up with interested collaborators in areas related to both theoretical and applied business, economics, finance, accounting, law, entrepreneurship as well as social enterprise. As our journey unfolds, I personally invite you to check our site often to learn more about our research results and activities which might interest you. Thank you for tuning in. Have a nice time browsing.

Dr. Ken

Dr. KENNETH PAUL CHARMAN, The Chair of the Center


Dr Dash 2022

Dr. TAPAS RANJAN DASH, Research Advisor



Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Social Sciences

The “Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Social Sciences” ISSN 2708-616X (Print); ISSN 2708-6178 (Online) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal published bi-annually by CamEd Business School. The journal is committed to encourage both theoretical and empirical research and seeks to publish scholarly articles which are original in nature. The journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Social Sciences is indexed by ROAD: The Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Tapas R. Dash

Area Editors

Accounting: Casey Barnett | Finance: Dr Muhammad M. Ma’aji | Economics: Dr Ky Sereyvath | Social Sciences: Dr Martin Sviatko | Management: Dr Kenneth Paul Charman

Project & Consultancy

Research Project: Employment and Skills Gaps – Market Rapid Assessment

Donor: People in Need (PIN)

Period: 5 November 2020 – 15 December 2020

Researcher: Dr Tapas R. Dash, Research Advisor, CamEd Business School

The research project – employment and skills gaps-market rapid assessment intends to:

  • Generate important labor market information;
  • Contribute to closing the gap between labor supply/demand;
  • Inform the private sector about foreseeable trends in relevant labor markets; and
  • Advocate with relevant line ministries (DGVET) for shifting resources into key sectors.

Research Project: Asian Community and Development

Donor: Eurasia Foundation, Japan

Period: 22 February 2021 – 31 May 2021

Project Team: Prof. Casey Bernett, Dr Kenneth Paul Charman, Dr. Tapas R. Dash (project in-charge), Dr. Sok Uttara, Dr. Martin Sviatko and Mr. Monirul Islam

Asian Community and Development project is intended to disseminate the message among the students on the importance of the Asian community towards development of the Asian region. The purpose of the research grant is to introduce a course to the students to strengthen their understanding on the necessity of uniting together for ensuring development of the region. The course includes a number of topics for discussions among the students to feel them proud of being a global citizen and the need to stay united to face emerging challenges in the Asian region.

Symposium / Conference / Seminar

How did a Health Crisis translate to an Economic Crisis? - The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 International Virtual Research Symposium was held on 15 November (Sunday)

About the Symposium:

The economic downturn caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has a profound impact on the society and economy across the regions. The spread of the virus led to the international travel restrictions, closure of businesses and financial markets. This has severely affected the level of economic activities and greatly damaged the global economic growth. However, it is also assumed that the decreasing economic activities along with mobility restrictions directly led to the changes of energy consumption and further prevent the environment from pollution. In addition, it is argued that higher government spending has a positive impact on the level of economic activities. In this context, it is important to critically look into the impact of the Covid-19 on various sectors and economic activities to draw policy measures for the country.

Against the above background, the 2020 virtual research symposium was intended to bring together researchers, academicians, policy makers, corporates and students to exchange and disseminate their research results and experiences on all aspects of issues arising out of the Covid -19 pandemic in the region and beyond.

In addition to CamEd team, universities from abroad (University of Winnipeg, Canada and Osaka University, Japan) and international organizations such as UNDP, ILO, IOM, EWMI have also presented their research works.

Speakers/ Paper Presenters:
Morning Session I: Nick Beresford
Resident Representative, UNDP Cambodia
Charles Bodwell
Senior Specialist on Enterprise Development, ILO Bangkok
Satyendra Singh
Professor, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Casey Barnett
President, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Morning Session II: Kenneth Paul Charman
Research Committee Chairman, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Tapas R. Dash
Research Advisor, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Yem Bunthorn
LSC Manager, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Afternoon Session I: Catherine Cecil
Chief of Party, Cambodian Civil Society Strengthening Project, EWMI in Cambodia
Sok Uttara
Vice President of IQA, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
An Sita, Nuon Renborey, Sorn Tithynika
Officers, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Huy Varene, Khou Techchung, Mao Sokanha, Hoy Chanbormey & Sophea Pichmoninea
Students, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Afternoon Session II: Adriann (Daan) Cornet
Asst. Professor, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Monirul Islam
Lecturer, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Hak Kimlong
Student, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Afternoon Session III: Kristin Parco
Chief of Mission, IOM-UN Migration, Cambodia
Koichi Nakagawa
Asso. Professor, Osaka University, Japan
Ediri O. Anderson
Asst. Professor, CamEd Business School, Cambodia

Guest Lectures

Guest Lecture by Dr. Virak Prum on Competition Law, to be delivered to students at MSU, a university in Malaysia


Date: March 30th 2022
Time: 4:00 • 5:00 pm in Malaysia

Dr. Prum Virak,
Professor and Advisor CamEd Business School

Dr. Virak Prum