1. Hour Kaing, Chenchen Ding, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Sethserey Sam, Sopheap Seng, Katsuhito Sudoh, and Satoshi Nakamura, "Towards Tokenization and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Khmer: Data and Discussion", ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang., 2021
2. Kak Soky, Masato Mimura, Tatsuya Kawahara, Sheng Li, Chenchen Ding, Chenhui Chu and Sethserey Sam, "Khmer Speech Translation Corpus Of The Extraordinary Chambers In The Courts Of Cambodia (ECCC)", O-COCOSDA Conference, 2021
3. Albert Trias Mansilla, Sethserey Sam, Josep Lluis de la Rosa, “Applying short-term memory to social search agents”, Cloud Forward Conference (CF2015), Pisa, Italy.
4. Sethserey Sam, “Using Cache to Optimize Question Wave Social Search Agents”, ITC Journal , 2013.
5. Sopheap Seng, Sethserey Sam, “Flipped Classroom: A Case Study in Engineer Program” , e-Learning Korea, 2013.
6. Sethserey Sam, Eric Castelli, Laurent Besacier, “Online Unsupervised Multilingual Acoustic Model Adaptation for Nonnative ASR”, ASEAN Engineering Journal, 2012.
7. Geneviève Caelen-Haumont, Sethserey Sam, “Comparison between two models of language for the automatic phonetic labeling of an undocumented language of the South-Asia: the case of Mo Piu”, LREC International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
8. Sethserey Sam, Xiong Xiao, Laurent Besacier, Eric Castelli, Haizou Li, & Eng Siong Chng, (2011). “Speech Modulation Features for Robust Nonnative Speech Accent Detection”. Proc. Interspeech 2011, the biggest International conference on spoken language processing, Florence, Italy.
9. Geneviève Caelen-Haumont, Binh Pham Hai, Do Dat Trang, Jean-Pierre Salmon, Sethserey Sam (2011). “Démonstration du logiciel d'analyse de la parole Praat-MOMEL-MELISM“, présentation et écoute du corpus mo piu. Proc. CERLICO, Orléans, France.
10. Sethserey Sam, Besacie Laurent, Eric Castelli, Bin Ma, Cheung-Chi Leung, & Haizhou Li (2010). “Autonomous acoustic model adaptation for multilingual meeting transcription involving high- and low-resourced languages”. Proc. SLTU 2010, 2nd International workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-resourced languages. Penang, Malaysia.
11. Sethserey Sam, Eric Castelli, & Laurent Besacier (2010). “Unsupervised acoustic model adaptation for multi-origin non native”. Proc. Interspeech 2010, the biggest International conference on spoken language processing, Makuhari, Japan.
12. Sethserey Sam, Laurent Besacier, & Eric Castelli (2010). “ Adaptation autonome de modèles acoustiques pour la transcription automatique de réunions multilingues”. Journées d'études sur la Parole (JEP 2010), Mons, Belgique.
13. Sethserey Sam (2009). “Vers des modèles autonomes pour la reconnaissance automatique de la parole multilingue”. RJCP, Avignon, France.
14. Sopheap Seng, Sethserey Sam, Viet Bac LE, Brigite Bigi, Laurent Besacier (2008). “Which Units for Acoustic and Language Modeling for Khmer Automatic Speech Recognition?”, International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU 2007), Hanoi, Vietnam.
15. Sopheap Seng, Sethserey Sam, Laurent BESACIER, Brigitte BIGI, Eric CASTELLI (2008). “First Broadcast News Transcription for Khmer Language”, The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Marrakech, Morocco.
16. Sethserey Sam et Sopheap Seng (2006). “Traitement Automatique de la Langue Khmer”, Rapport Scientifique de Projet AUF TALK 2ème tranche.
17. Sethserey Sam (2006). “Analyse de la Langue Khmère en Vue de la Synthèse de la Parole”, in French, Master thesis in Computer Science, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.
18. Laurent Besacier, Viet Bac LE, Eric Castelli, Sethserey Sam, Ludovic Protin (2005). “Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole pour des Langues peu Dotées : Application au Vietnamien et au Khmer” , in French, "TALN and pi- languages" Workshop, vol. 2, pp. 207-217, Dourdan, France.
19. Sethserey Sam, Ludovic Protin, Eric Castelli (2005). “Traitement Automatique de la Langue Khmer”, Rapport Scientifique de Projet AUF TALK 1ère tranche.