This curriculum consists of a minimal of 35 out of 36 courses and totally 130 credits, which are designed to support achievement of the curriculum objective and learning outcomes. The 36 courses are listed in the table below. The content and objectives of each course is described in each individual course specification which, together with this program specification are subject to review and approval by the curriculum committee of CamEd Business School. Credits are awarded on the basis of one credit per 15 lecture hours.
Because this curriculum seeks to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Education foundation year, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Certified Accounting Technician program of the ACCA, there is limited scope for elective subjects. All subjects other than elective courses in the fourth year are compulsory and the curriculum does not distinguish between major, minor and elective subjects. However, certain subjects will have a preferred order of study as well as prerequisites, which are set in the relevant course specifications.