07-July-2023 – Straight from Harvard, Professor Cohen took us through the popular concept called ESG. With KPMG’s Mr. James Roberts’ insight from the banking sector, our Chairman Dr.Virak Prum picked up some areas least talked about to help deepen our interest in these Environmental, Social, and Governance metrics. It might sound strange to say that the best ESG impact is often found in the so-called “dirty” energy and oil sectors. With so much to learn, CamEders remain ahead of the game.
13-July-2023 – The best outcome is possible when we cooperate like we mean it. That was exactly what was happening when our inspiring professor Dr. Virak passionately conducted a joint sharing session with Professor Dr. Cohen from Harvard. They challenged participants to think hard, to express and defend strategic ideas within a very limited time. Team work from each group was just amazing, especially since members represented very diverse backgrounds: banking, retail, real estate, consulting, manufacturing, construction, head-hunting, auditing…etc. CamEd Business School is synonymous with high quality.
13-July-2023 – Dr. Virak Prum asked Harvard Business School’s Dr. Cohen specific questions that most of us have but don’t know who to ask. In this second ground-breaking episode, the CamEd Grand Interview covered FinTech, Blockchain, Financing, SMEs, and more! Dr. Cohen is spot on. His in-depth expertise adds spice to entertain us intellectually. Delivered in a way that our Chairman knows how all the difficult issues seem easy to appreciate.
14-July-2023 – Relationships mean profits. Relationships explain investment behaviors. Evidence has shown that people do business with those they trust, know, or at least that they have shared some time together with the past. Harvard professor Dr. Cohen explained how to build networks and make them truly work. With deep insight from the Country Director of ADB Ms. Jyotsana Varma, the discussions also touched upon political influence and the so-called familiarity bias in the decision-making process. Result? Participants were eager to start making use of the power of networking right away.
The “Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Social Sciences” ISSN 2708-616X (Print); ISSN 2708-6178 (Online) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal published bi-annually by CamEd Business School. The journal is committed to encourage both theoretical and empirical research and seeks to publish scholarly articles which are original in nature. The journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Social Sciences is indexed by ROAD: The Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources.
Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Dr Tapas R. Dash
Area Editors
Accounting: Casey Barnett | Finance: Dr Muhammad M. Ma’aji | Economics: Dr Ky Sereyvath | Social Sciences: Dr Martin Sviatko | Management: Dr Kenneth Paul Charman
Donor: People in Need (PIN)
Period: 5 November 2020 – 15 December 2020
Researcher: Dr Tapas R. Dash, Research Advisor, CamEd Business School
The research project - employment and skills gaps-market rapid assessment intends to:
Donor: Eurasia Foundation, Japan
Period: 22 February 2021 – 31 May 2021
Project Team: Prof. Casey Bernett, Dr Kenneth Paul Charman, Dr. Tapas R. Dash (project in-charge), Dr. Sok Uttara, Dr. Martin Sviatko and Mr. Monirul Islam
Asian Community and Development project is intended to disseminate the message among the students on the importance of the Asian community towards development of the Asian region. The purpose of the research grant is to introduce a course to the students to strengthen their understanding on the necessity of uniting together for ensuring development of the region. The course includes a number of topics for discussions among the students to feel them proud of being a global citizen and the need to stay united to face emerging challenges in the Asian region.